What pisses you off about/at free concrete skate parks? The loud music. What’s your take on NO BIKES at these places? Not ballin'. Skaters can’t go into the woods and create what I can though. Why are there so many frames, companies and clothes in BMX? Why is the market saturated. Are people really trying to "help" BMX or are they just trying to claim fame. Ask an Allen skate park local. I don’t pay attention to that stuff. What’s wrong with Dallas drivers? White SUV drivers floor it, drive aggressively, stomp on their brakes, and always crash their cars. They do not care-as long as they can afford it. Blacks and Mexicans roll in style, seem to value their cars a little more, but drive too slowly and cruise threw red lights. Middle Easterners and Asians drive small Sudan’s with dents in the rear quarter panels, and are the worst drivers. Pretty much, every one is a bad driver except for me. Where is the breakdown in the American political process? Meaning why are the direct interests of the people not represented by the politicians elected to serve them? Some one will always be unhappy. If Kip Dynamite would have died in the movie many people would have been sad, but an equal amount of people would have been happy. Why is it at this day and age they can’t figure out how to allow internet voting? I’m sure they have figured it out, theres alot of people that still dont know how to use computers-ive seen them. Do you think if everyone voted things would be better or would it just be more dumb people voting? If every one voted our country would be a mess. Leave it too the educated intelligent people to make decisions. Say 40% of America voted in the 2004 presidential election. Only about 5% of that crowd voted with good reason. 35% of the people either voted by persuasion, or false hood, republican and democrat. Who ever won just had the most idiots voting that year. You have to remember that most humans are total idiots. Sure retards voted our president into office, but hey- you can’t get mad a retard-there retarted! What about religion and violence? Since the beginning of time has man heard a voice in his head telling him there was God and to kill in the name of that God? When Uhg the Neanderthal looked up into the sky and saw the rain clouds he had no idea why they where there or how they worked, but he was happy they where about to heal the drought. When the tiger ate Uhgs baby, Uhg wondered how and why it happened. It made him mad! Being the totally clueless, stone age, unintelligent Neanderthal he was, he blamed the clouds on a good spirit, and the tiger on a bad spirit. Every time something good happened to him it was the good God at work. Every time something bad happened to him it was the evil Gods fault, and by God if Ugh could have fought someone to save the rain he would have! But what does fighting someone have to do with rain-or making a better world? Little did Uhg, the totally clueless, stone age, unintelligent Neanderthal know, was that nature was running its course. Every thing happens for a reason, and human hearts beat just like horse flies do. Were all here together and we all have our purposes, and its important, especially nowadays to not think like Uhg. Now, not only do we know why it rains, but we know every thing about it and can even predict it. It’s our purpose as humans to know things like this and expand our knowledge to our benefit, and not stomp on animals who are innocently chillin’ in their woods. That’s what I’m going to do at least. Fight your wars and believe in your various Gods, ill be chilling in my woods perfecting my craft with Mr. Squirrel. What should one do at BMX trails to piss off those who dig there? There is only one thing you can do to be on a digger’s good side. Show up with a shovel and not your bike and just hang out. Don’t even tell them you ride, and when the time comes to ride, shred it in their face! Also, there’s a general attitude and demeanor that diggers have that can sense people who are going to damage their trails before they actually do. Hey what happened to rap? At first, rap was kind of thought of as a joke. It became popular by corporate marketing and stories of people coming from nothing. Killing people and making money became serious shit. Sex sells in rap too, over and over, but true original rap hasn’t gone anywhere, in fact it’s been around since the begging. The rap you hear on the radio isn’t real, it’s processed. It’s designed to make black folks look bad. If I got paid 10 mill to make white people look bad id do it though!